IT to IT: Why Colocation Benefits You

By Chris SeveyBlog

I want you to envision your IT room right now. Is it safe and secure? Is it in a nice cooled room? Is it guaranteed to never suffer from a power outage or surge? Or, is it like many small to medium businesses that have converted a closet or a spare office to a data room? Is it plagued by poor cooling and little circulation? Is it vulnerable to power surges and spikes?

In my experience, if your business wasn’t built from the ground up with a data room in mind. Chances are you will have one of possibly many problems plaguing your setup. From back pain, having to maneuver in a closet, to having that overhead plumbing drip on you. The types of problems could be endless. If you have been looking outside recently, there has been no shortage of heavy summer storms, and any one of them can be your equipment’s downfall.

What if all those problems could simply vanish? Having your equipment moved to a colocation center can circumvent a LARGE number of daily problems we have to go through as IT. I can’t count all the times I’ve come home with a back ache, or bruised elbows from working in tight quarters. I however can remember all the times, I’ve had to get out of bed to bring everything back online after a critical power failure.

If only I had put my equipment in a colocation center back then… Here at Enseva, I can finally stand up proud and tall working on a piece of equipment. I don’t have to worry about the power going out, or a surge wiping out my equipment. I don’t have to worry about a fire. I even don’t have to worry about someone else messing around in my IT Closet to grab a broom and accidentally unplugging my system.

My equipment finally feels safe. Between the advanced security measures taken for my equipment and the state of the art power redundancies. There is little for me to worry about. When there is little to worry about as an IT guy.

I can finally rest easy.

Jonathon Harper is an IT professional who’s been in the field for over 8 years. This IT to IT thread focuses on bringing up real topics free of corporate buzz words and fluff. As an IT guy we know when someone is just trying to throw out jargon and we just want to hear what really matters to us.